I was looking to really stand out with my UI with this product. I consider my concept to be “ground-breaking” “futuristic” and “organized”. I curated a moodboard featuring a blend of sleek UI elements, futuristic mockups, and a palette of preliminary colors to capture the essence of Health Hub. It was important to me toEmphasize elements conveying innovation, cutting-edge technology, and a sense of orderliness, aligning with the product’s groundbreaking and organized nature.
The average number of doctors seen for all survey participants was 18.7. For 18–24 year olds, the average was 8.3. For patients over 65, the average was 28.4.
GfK Roper, 2010

Throughout our lives, we will see upwards of 30 doctors throughout our lives. The current process is always the same, register with new doctor, submit family and personal medical history, sign up for office’s patient portal. keeping track of where individual records is located becomes increasingly hard when switching doctors. The solution? Reclaiming your own medical data. The problem? The current market’s solutions are hard to navigate, out-dated, and all around boring. Taking control of your health should be, and can be, something exciting. That’s the goal of HealthHub.

This project was inspired by my own thirst for my personal health data. I have switched primary care physicians many times throughout my life, let alone dentists, mental health professionals, and specialists. This got me wondering if there was a way to securely store all this health data and gain possession of my own records.



Initial Sketches

The Crazy 8’s exercise ignited a burst of creativity, enabling the exploration of diverse design ideas for Health Hub. The initial userflow concepts of the app can be viewed, an account creation flow, and the one I decided to spotlight: The flow from login to accessing an imported .pdf document. The Crazy 8’s exercise successfully set the stage for a design process that is deeply attuned to the varied needs of Health Hub’s users.

Paper Wireframes

Polishing my preliminary designs from the initial sketches, I targeted my flow, and began tidying up the interface. I ensured that I incorporated learnings from the Crazy 8’s exercise and early user testing into the wireframes. I Prioritized usability, clear information architecture, and adherence to healthcare UX best practices.


Initial Figma Wireframes

I imported my hand-drawn sketches into digital wireframes, integrating the refined ideas into a cohesive and structured design. I used Figma to create digital wireframes, incorporating visual elements, interactive components, and refining user flows.



Through my research, I found that there were many options for storing this data, also known as a Personal Health Record, Even apple has a simplified way of storing basic data, blood type, allergies, and vital health data. Problem solved, it already exists; right? The concept had evolved into one that contains all the “likely features” of the existing apps, with an emphasis on viewing your data trends in a manner that excites you to better yourself. The research process was one that contained personally conducted surveys, competitor analyses, feature charting, and compilation of public data in relation to health apps.

User Persona(s)

Through extensive demographics research, we identified a diverse range of users for Health Hub. The user personas crafted are based on data analysis, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the varying needs and preferences within our target demographic. By diversifying our target demographic, we aim to create an inclusive and accessible platform that caters to individuals from different walks of life, ensuring Health Hub addresses the unique requirements of a wide user base. 


User Journey Map

Consider Michael, a 42-year-old working professional. His journey begins with the realization of the challenges he faces in managing his health records efficiently. In his daily life, Michael struggles with unorganized health information from various sources, making it difficult to track his well-being effectively. Discovering Health Hub, he starts his journey by downloading the app, excited about the prospect of having a centralized platform for his health data.

As he navigates through the onboarding process, Health Hub’s user-friendly interface and personalized features align with his needs. The app empowers Michael to seamlessly integrate data from wearables, track medications, and set health goals. The personalized insights and reminders cater to his individual health goals, creating a meaningful connection between Mike and the product.

Health Hub becomes an indispensable tool in his life, fostering a sense of empowerment and making health management a positive and achievable aspect of his daily routine. Empathy plays a crucial role in our journey, identifying his needs and identifying the best possible solution.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

I transitioned from wireframes to low-fidelity prototypes to simulate the user experience. Conducted user testing to identify potential usability issues and gather feedback.

Your Health;
in one Beautiful Place.

HealthHub is a cutting-edge, user-centered personal health record (PHR) app designed with a primary focus on safety, security, and ease of use. It empowers individuals to take control of their health information, providing a seamless and intuitive platform for managing and accessing their medical data.

This product eliminates the run around needed to find medical records, consult your doctor, access vital information associated with your health, and provide patients with a full panel of tools related to your health.

Your Health;
in one Beautiful Place.

HealthHub is a cutting-edge, user-centered personal health record (PHR) app designed with a primary focus on safety, security, and ease of use. It empowers individuals to take control of their health information, providing a seamless and intuitive platform for managing and accessing their
medical data.

This product eliminates the run around needed to find medical records, consult your doctor, access vital information associated with your health, and provide patients with a full panel of tools related to your health.

Your Health;
in one Beautiful Place.

HealthHub is a cutting-edge, user-centered personal health record (PHR) app designed with a primary focus on safety, security, and ease of use. It empowers individuals to take control of their health information, providing a seamless and intuitive platform for managing and accessing their medical data.

This product eliminates the run around needed to find medical records, consult your doctor, access vital information associated with your health, and provide patients with a full panel of tools related to your health.